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Here you can learn more about our main programs, initiatives & others

Tech Mate

This group intends to bring the tech community together around the most current and challenging topics.

BOLD Referral Program

Program that rewards employees who refer someone with the "BOLD profile" and with the appropriate technical skills to a job opening.


Discover the type of protocols and partnerships we have at your disposal. From training, banking, education or well-being, you can find it all here.

BOLD Tech Flirt

Sharing of knowledge in a quick, easy and fun way, all wrapped up in an amazing and informal get together organized once a month - BOLD Affair.

Thought Leadership

Get to know our experts opinion regarding the trend topics on technology or other specific theme directly due from this industry.

Ask Me Anything

 Through this initiative you can ask, share and suggest any topic of your interest and we'll answer to you live.

Employer Branding

Investing in our young community of students and in their knowledge is a priority for us. That is why we have a strong Employer Branding strategy.

Events & Initiatives

Because a picture is worth more than a thousand words, go through our colection of photos of our events & initiatives. 

Coming soon

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